Discovering unanticipated costs that impact on a project’s profitability or even viability after acquiring a site is perhaps the main cause for many developers having sleepless nights.

The key to avoiding these costs is to de-risk the scheme as much as possible before you buy however, that involves a great deal of expertise not to mention time and effort in pulling everything together.

So wouldn’t it be great to have a One-Stop-Shop to call on to handle all the potential issues and leave you free to get on with what you do best, finding and developing out sites?

Well now there is. Talk to us at Reports4Planning without obligation and we’ll assist you in making your development projects’ a well-informed journey, with no surprises.

We provide Clients, including Land owners, Developers and Professional advisors with a One Stop Shop service to provide an efficient, cost effective source of assessments and reporting, to ensure you’re fully informed and you account for any issues and solve problems up front.

As part of the planning process many local authorities require a variety of reports and assessments. Developers can get better value from their investment in reporting, as these documents can accompany a scheme through the initial planning phase and onto construction, helping to discharge conditions, satisfy lenders and meet warranty provider’s requirements.

NHBC and other warranty providers are getting tough on ensuring they have information such as Environmental reports to ensure for example there’s no contamination risk, or if there is, that it’s fully understood and dealt with.

Call us now on 0845 680 1723 or email your enquiry to

For help with your development financing requirements and to better understand how to satisfy lenders prior to application, talk to the experts at