National guidance informs the format of Contamination Reports but most councils have particular local requirements. We are familiar with many of these and can advise you what will be required.
Many Local Planning Authorities now require planning applications to be accompanied by Contaminated Land Reports (CLR) which may be known as a Phase 1 Contamination Report or a Contamination Risk Assessment. This is in order to ensure that the land being developed does not suffer from previous contamination.
These reports will normally include a desk study and site walkover, to provide a risk assessment, including a Conceptual Site Model and hopefully this will confirm no risk of contamination exists. It’s fair to say the vast majority of sites we have surveyed are determined as having no risk of previous contamination.
Our work starts to determine that no contamination exists and our initial report will look at whether all of 3 tests are met before there is a risk of contamination. If a risk of contamination is found, then the Phase 1 report may be used to inform what (if any) planning conditions need to be set in the case of further development.
Additionally, it can be used to inform further work on site in order to fully understand the potential contamination issues, to de-risk a purchase or to better understand the extent of work necessary prior to development. The LPA may request that further work is carried out prior to an application being accepted, or set conditions prior to commencement of any approved scheme.
This further work is characterised as a Phase 2 assessment, requiring physical on site investigation.
Work on site can consist of simple soils sampling and lab analysis using hand tools or an excavator digging out trial pits. More intrusive sampling using bore hole drilling can also be used to understand the content of any soils. This method is also used to sample groundwater and for installation of gas monitoring wells.
Once actual samples are collected and analysed at a UKAS accredited Laboratory, we can then fully characterise what if any presence there is of contamination. If necessary, the final work will then be to produce a remediation strategy. The Phase 3 report will produce a detailed design, planning and implementation stage, which may also include plans for long term monitoring, post development.
We can provide assistance in negotiating with the Local Authority throughout the process and ultimately agree a way forward in the most effective manner.
National guidance informs the format of Contamination Reports but most councils have particular local requirements. We are familiar with many of these and can advise you what will be required. We’re therefore able to deliver a comprehensive and effective service in this area, usually including a Phase 1 investigation in order to meet the Local Authority’s initial requirements.
You may have found us through EnDs or the Environmental Data Service as we intend to be the most cost effective Environmental Consultants dealing in Contamination.
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