We supply Water Management Statements to deal with Water Cycle issues in new developments. Water run off, SuDs drainage, grey water recycling and storm water recycling



As part of any planning application for the creation of new floor area, the applicant may now be required to submit a Water Management Statement as part of the planning application package. The statement is designed to inform the Local Planning Authority how the new development will deal with issues involving the water cycle.

The Water Management Statement will deal with issues such as water conservation, through metering and recycling. Pollution control through limiting water run off from sites and Flood Risk through inclusion of a Flood Risk Assessment if the development is in an area that is deemed at a heightened risk of flood.

We supply water management statements which will satisfy the requirements of your Local Planning Authority.

  • The Water Management Statement will normally begin with a desk based study and site investigation to assess site geology and soil conditions.
  • A percolation test is undertaken in order to assess the viability of soakaways.
  • Site run off calculations are then carried out.
  • A drainage scheme is then worked up which will include SuDs drainage including grey water recycling and storm water recycling, which will need to satisfy the Council that the new development is dealing with the water cycle issues satisfactorily.
  • The Water Management Statement will usually recommend the use of semi permeable hard surfaces and soakaways as part of the proposed drainage scheme.


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