Our service has often been described as “a breath of fresh air”, helping you to resolve issues not just report on them.
We produce Ecology and habitat assessment reports that seek to show that any harm to biodiversity can be mitigated as the planning process requires that any proposed development considers it’s impact on Ecology and wildlife. There is also a Statutory Legal Requirement to protect certain wildlife Species under UK and European law.
It is essential to present any Planning Applications with accompanying Survey and Assessment information that provides information on the potential for any development to affect existing habitat and wildlife species.
Certain species can only be effectively surveyed at certain times of the year…so it’s essential to consider Ecology surveys early in the design process when planning for new development. Our team can assist in help your understanding of how and when effective surveys can be carried out. We will always look to assist in providing sufficient survey information to allow planning proposals to progress. We have Natural England licensed Ecologists, authorised to undertake species specific handling and survey.
Our Expert Consultants provide:
- Phase 1 Habitat Surveys or Preliminary Ecological Assessments
- Protected Species surveys, including Bats, Great Crested Newts, Badgers, Dormouse & Reptile Surveys (such as slow worms).
- Extended Phase 2 Extended Surveys
- Licensed work with Protected Species, which can include, translocation, trapping and other forms of mitigation.
- Mitigation and Biodiversity enhancement schemes
- Assistance with discharge of Planning Conditions and negotiations with Local Authority officers
- On site Construction supervision, including watching briefs during demolition.
All our surveys are undertaken in accordance with JNCC (Joint Nature Conservation Committee) and our relevant team are members of the CIEEM (Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management)
Mitigation and Site implementation
Our team can provide you with practical methods of moving forward with development and construction, once the Ecology Assessment has been undertaken.
This might include detailed mitigation strategies comprising method statements, license applications, management plans and other desk and field based work that will allow you to carry out your desired works on site.
Our service has often been described as “a breath of fresh air”, helping you to resolve issues not just report on them.
We are familiar with Nation and Local Planning Policy including Biodiversity offsetting schemes and are able to provide calculations as part of our submissions to satisfy these requirements in support of your applications.
BAP (Biodiversity Action Plan) Priority Habitat
Some locations such as Orchards are seen as particularly desirable to maintain and protect, these locations are designated as BAP. They tend to support particular wildlife species and we can assist with dealing with issues in relation to, for example Noble Chafer Beetle and Mistletoe marble moth