We provide Archaeology & Historic Buildings Reports where there are Listed buildings or evidence locally of historic activity close to a site that is going to be disturbed for development


Archaeology and Historic Buildings Reports

Archaeology and Historic Buildings Reports are required where there is a Heritage Asset close to a site that is going to be impacted on or disturbed for development or construction, it’s usual for Planning Authorities to require landowners to undertake Assessments and Research to provide information on the history of the site or property affected and to understand the potential impact from development.

We provide clients with a variety of services and reporting to understand the Historic Environment and to inform and satisfy the Planning Authority’s requirements, in an effective, cost conscious manner.

In order to inform the Local Planning Authority (LPA) and their Statutory Consultees (in this case usually County Council Archaeology Departments or Historic England – previously English Heritage) we provide:-

  • Archaeological Desk Based studies & searches including Historic Environment Records
  • Heritage Statements
  • Geophysical Surveys
  • Archaeological Written Schemes of Investigation
  • Archaeological Watching Briefs
  • Archaeology Field Surveys
  • Archaeological On site invasive investigations

Heritage Statements are a common piece of work and are often required when developments have any potential impact on Listed Buildings and other Heritage Assets (as required by Paragraph 128 and Paragraph 129 of National Planning Policy Framework as well as advice from Historic England)

Should the initial phase of assessment show the Local Planning Authority that some features of interest exist, it’s usual that as part of any planning permission granted, conditions will be attached that require further work to investigate and reveal the level of Archaeology present, at the applicants cost.

This usually means either continuous monitoring of ground breaking works or specialist Archaeological excavation, either sampling of a % of the land through targeted trench excavations or a complete stripping of the site to discover all of the buried Archaeology.

Our team will effectively negotiate with your Local Planning Authority to ensure the minimum work necessary is carried out to provide this information. Critically this saves valuable time and can reduce costs significantly.

We’re able to mobilise teams of suitably qualified Archaeologists to provide further information to discharge planning conditions, quickly, and cost effectively, including executing watching briefs, trial pitting and full site strips

Interesting old buildings that will be significantly altered by development, or are removed altogether through demolition to make way for new buildings are sometimes required by planning condition, to have the form and important historic features physically recorded by a specialist Archaeologist prior to works commencing.

If you feel there is a potential for this work to be required, then talk to us at the start of your project. We can assist in co-ordinating various service providers to ensure that you can utilise the information gathered effectively to compliment other requirements later in the project

We’re able to mobilise teams of suitably qualified Archaeologists to provide further information to discharge planning conditions, quickly, and cost effectively, including executing watching briefs, trial pitting and full site strips


If you want to find out more about the services and reports on this page please fill out our ENQUIRY FORM and provide us with a brief outline of your query